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Matt Welsh : Running Linux

Author: Matt Welsh
Title: Running Linux
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 650
Date: 1996-08-11
ISBN: 1565921518
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Weight: 2.05 pounds
Size: 1.45 x 7.0 x 9.0 inches
Edition: Second Edition
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Previous givers: 2 Abbie (USA: MA), MKSchwan (USA: MI)
Previous moochers: 2 Marie (Philippines), Laura (USA: IL)
1Rvn6dlr (Egypt).
Description: Product Description

Linux is the most exciting development today in the UNIX world -- and some would say in the world of the PC-compatible. A complete, UNIX-compatible operating system developed by volunteers on the Internet, Linux is distributed freely in electronic form and for low cost from many vendors. Its software packages include the X Window System (X11R6); TCP/IP networking (including SLIP, PPP, and NFS support); popular software tools such as Emacs and TeX; a complete software development environment including C, C++, Perl, Tcl/Tk, and more; libraries, debuggers, multimedia support, scientific and database applications, and much more. Developed first on the PC, it has been ported to many other architectures, and a POSIX-compliant version has even been developed.Running Linux explains everything you need to understand, install, and start using the Linux operating system. This includes a comprehensive installation tutorial, complete information on system maintenance, tools for document development and programming, and guidelines for network and Web site administration.New topics in the second edition include:

  • Printer configuration, management, and use
  • Configuration of network clients for NFS and NIS
  • Expanded information on configuring a wide range of hardware devices
  • Updated configuration information for the kernel and XFree86 Review
One of the best books on Linux, the UNIX-compatible operating system for personal computers. In the tradition of all O'Reilly books, Running Linux features clear, step-by-step instructions that always seem to provide just the right amount of information: covers everything you need in order to understand, install, and use the Linux operating system, including X Windows, TCP/IP, Perl, Tcl/TK, the gcc C and C++ compilers, and most Internet services such as email, SLIP, and WWW. For intermediate to advanced users.

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