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John H. Hudson : Choosing The Right Path

Author: John H. Hudson
Title: Choosing The Right Path
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 130
Date: 2009-08-08
ISBN: 1439247188
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
Weight: 0.69 pounds
Size: 9.84 x 0.28 x 6.9 inches
1tmart (USA: TX).
Description: Product Description
The corporate climate in America is changing constantly, but perhaps the greatest change will come over the next five years, when that group known as Baby Boomers segues out of the workforce, leaving behind an enormous management gap in organizations of all sizes. Few people comprehend the potential problems better than Executive Coach and Business Consultant John H. Hudson. In his book Choosing the Right Path, the author delves into the myriad problems that will be faced by organizations and individuals, and offers viable strategies to ease them through what could otherwise be an expensive and psychologically damaging transition. On the company side, many probing questions must be addressed in preparation for these changes. For example, does management understand the demographics of the work force in terms of age, gender, position? And what mechanisms and programs are being planned to duplicate those key competencies and critical work knowledge of those employees facing retirement? On the individual side, are the company’s retirement policies fully understood? And what will these Boomers do with their time and knowledge after retirement? If these vital issues are not addressed today, both the organization and the individuals opting for retirement will discover potentially insurmountable obstacles. Hudson’s valuable guide explores all the possibilities, positive and negative, and offers hands-on solutions beneficial to all.
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