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Karol Ladd : The Power of a Positive Mom: Revised Edition

Author: Karol Ladd
Title: The Power of a Positive Mom: Revised Edition
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 304
Date: 2007-04-10
ISBN: 1416551212
Publisher: Howard Books
Weight: 0.95 pounds
Size: 5.83 x 0.91 x 8.78 inches
Edition: Rev Upd
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Previous givers: 2 Carolyn (USA: NY), LoriAnne (USA: IN)
Previous moochers: 2 Pam (USA: MN), Heather (USA: PA)
2JoJoMama (USA: OH), Terri Ann (Canada).
Description: Product Description
If you are a mother, you may not look in the mirror everyday and see yourself as having a great influence on the world, but you do! No one has a greater impact on the home than a mother, and that impact can be defeatingly negative or powerfully positive. This book will help ensure that your impact is positive. In the pages of this insightful and inspiring book, you will learn seven, simple principles for shaping your family for good -- principles that work for stay-at-home and working moms alike. As you read this captivating book, you will see how your attitude and actions can fill the lives of those you care about the most with love and encouragement. Become the mom you've always wanted to be. You might even surpass your own dreams.
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