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Willie Morris : They Write Among Us: New Stories and Essays from the Best of Oxford Writers

Author: Willie Morris
Title: They Write Among Us: New Stories and Essays from the Best of Oxford Writers
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 220
Date: 2003-09-01
ISBN: 0971897417
Publisher: Jefferson Press
Weight: 0.84 pounds
Size: 138.5 x x 214 centimeters
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3Kasey (USA: IN), Nanci (USA: WA), Kin (USA: TX).
Description: Product Description
Bestselling authors include Larry Brown, William Gay, Barry Hannah, Tom Franklin, Beth Ann Fennelly, Jamie Kornegay, David Magee, Dean Faulkner Wells, and Larry Wells.

The diverse and accomplished literary community rooted in Oxford, Mississippi, is celebrated in this collection. Featured is never-before-published work from some of the most respected names in contemporary literature, including Barry Hannah, Larry Brown, William Gay, Tom Franklin, Mark Richard, and Ace Atkins. Several of the contributors step outside their "comfort zones," and make forays into new genres in these pieces: Larry Brown, best known for his fiction, ventures into memoir with an account of his marine boot camp days at Parris Island; short story author George Singleton provides a nonfiction account of his most recent book tour; and editor Lisa Howorth and screenwriter Anne Rapp delve into short fiction. Food writer John T. Edge is included, Dick Waterman debuts his photo essay on B.B. King, and a remarkable redneck haiku is included for good measure. The varied and unexpected pieces in this collection provide a clear snapshot of the robust state of Southern writing.

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