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Dick Schaefer : Choices and Consequences: What to Do When a Teenager Uses Alcohol/Drugs

Author: Dick Schaefer
Title: Choices and Consequences: What to Do When a Teenager Uses Alcohol/Drugs
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 168
Date: 1998-09-15
ISBN: 0935908420
Publisher: Hazelden
Weight: 0.45 pounds
Size: 5.31 x 7.61 x 0.47 inches
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Previous givers: 2 Just Joyce (USA: MO), Chris Lannin (USA: MN)
Previous moochers: 2 jessica (USA: IN), Rosanne (USA: PA)
Description: Product Description
Alcohol and other drug use among teenagers is epidemic. Children as young as grade-school age are experimenting with mood-altering substances. One out of every four high school students drink to excess when they drink. Many teenagers are abusing alcohol and other drugs--and many will die prematurely if they don't get help.\

Choices & Consequences tells you precisely how you can help. Written for parents, teachers, family doctors, mental health professionals, school guidance counselors, social workers, juvenile justice workers, clergy, and anyone else who cares about teenagers, it describes a step-by-step process called intervention that you can use to stop a teenager's harmful involvement with chemicals. If you're worried about kids and alcohol or other drugs, you can do something. And you can start today with Choices and Consequences.

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