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Bruce Anderson : Passive solar energy : the homeowner's guide to natural heating and cooling

Author: Bruce Anderson
Title: Passive solar energy : the homeowner's guide to natural heating and cooling
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 198
Date: 1981
ISBN: 0931790093
Publisher: Brick House Publishing Co ,U.S.
Weight: 0.95 pounds
Size: 8.0 x 9.9 x 0.4 inches
Amazon prices:
3jayM (USA: VA), Mark & Karen (USA: WV), Rimshot (Canada).
Description: Review
It is easy to think of harvesting solar energy as a highly technical system involving wiring and plumbing and high-tech gadgets and gizmos you'd need an engineer to design and set up (and operate!). But really, every time you walk outside on a sunny day and every time you realize that the rooms on the south side of your home tend to get warmer during the day, you are witnessing solar energy at work. The beauty of passive solar energy is, for me, its "low-tech" approach, as the words imply. A bit of design foresight when building or remodeling your home will yield a wide set of possibilities for using solar energy to warm and cool your home. This is the book that can show you how. It is well illustrated and written for folks who may not have a technical degree. Not being a techno-wizard of any kind, I can understand this book, and I'll bet you can too!