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Product Description
The poetry of Johannes Bobrowski (1917-1965) is recognized as a unique development in the tradition of German poetry. As Michael Hamburger says, `Bobrowski wrote pure poetry, at once modern and rooted in tradition. And yet this difficult, mysterious and undidactic poetry was finally accepted, and widely read, in East Germany too.' `From the Rivers' spans the whole corpus of his work, including his last poems. It supplements the Penguin selection (originally published in hardback as `Shadow Land') by the same translators, of which Peter Porter wrote in `The Guardian': `It is the beautiful poems of Bobrowski which establish the Meads as outstanding translators... Without ever straining for effect, he fills his landscape with pointers to its history - the rivers, the hawks, the sky itself hang in his words with exquisite tension... Bobrowski is unlike anyone's idea of a German poet and the Meads' translations are wonderfully sympathetic.'