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Michael G. Allen : Saints of the Church: A Teacher's Guide to the Vision Books

Author: Michael G. Allen
Title: Saints of the Church: A Teacher's Guide to the Vision Books
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 184
Date: 2000-07-07
ISBN: 0898707838
Publisher: Ignatius Press
Weight: 0.22 pounds
Size: 129 x x 207.5 centimeters
Previous givers: 1 jpixler (USA: MD)
Previous moochers: 1 sandygirl (USA: TX)
2mbett (USA: MA), J Nagel (USA: NC).
Description: Product Description

The Vision Books are one of the most popular and well-written series of saints' lives ever produced for young people. This Teachers' Guide now offers teachers and parents a practical means to stimulate both the spiritual growth and intellectual development of students through an organized, systematic study of seventeen biographies of holy men and women in the Vision Books series.

This guide facilitates student interaction with the spiritual insights, moral lessons, and sound academic content found in each book. It is divided into sections, each of which contains an overview of the saint's life and activities that illustrate the person's impact on the Church and his time. These activities are destined to challenge student thinking, to promote the application of spiritual insights to the reader's personal life, and to expand the reader's understanding and appreciation of the holiness of the saints.

Teachers can select any combination of activities for individual students, for small groups, or for class-wide discussion. The activities include chapter vocabulary, language in context, time line, outline maps, topics for written reports, biographical sketches, using Scripture and the Catechism, and discussion questions.

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