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Donald A. McAndrew : Tutoring Writing: A Practical Guide for Conferences

Author: Donald A. McAndrew
Title: Tutoring Writing: A Practical Guide for Conferences
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 168
Date: 2001-09-10
ISBN: 0867095180
Publisher: Heinemann
Weight: 0.55 pounds
Size: 5.98 x 0.35 x 9.06 inches
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Previous givers: 1 gregory laynor (USA: PA)
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1JanelleM (Canada).
Description: Product Description
When Don McAndrew and Tom Reigstad wrote Training Tutors for Writing Conferences, they provided such unique insight into the principles and practices of tutoring that the book was awarded "Best Publication" by the National Writing Centers Association. Now, more than a decade later, the authors have expanded and updated their classic monograph to make it even more useful and reflect new developments in research and theory.

No other book is quite so comprehensive. In addition to providing a thorough review of theory and research, Tutoring Writing offers a rich toolbox of tutoring tips, including:

  • practical guidelines for tutoring writers who are at various stages of the composing process - including predraft
  • concrete advice on how to tutor writers in specific settings
  • suggestions on how to tutor writers who present special challenges and represent diverse populations
  • time-tested tutoring models that have been developed by world-renowned educators
  • recommendations for conducting tutorials electronically - including online, fax, and phone
  • a syllabus for using the book to teach a writing tutor training course.
Tutoring Writing will appeal to anyone who uses writing as a tool for learning, especially in tutor-training courses, undergraduate and graduate level writing courses, and teaching-assistant preparation courses.

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