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Dante Gebel : NVI Biblia heroes con Dante Gebel, tapa dura (Spanish Edition)

Author: Dante Gebel
Title: NVI Biblia heroes con Dante Gebel, tapa dura (Spanish Edition)
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 1216
Date: 2008-12-28
ISBN: 0829752579
Publisher: Vida
Weight: 1.6 pounds
Size: 5.51 x 1.3 x 8.46 inches
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Description: Product Description
'We will be the first to advance and the last ones to fall back on the battlefield. And all of us will come back home' Very few have the desire to go out and win souls among their peers. You can count on one hand those who feel encouraged enough to take the risk of the first step into enemy territory and the criticism that implies. Bordered on the fine line of being a pioneer and almost a martyr, for daring to walk the extra mile. Also, very few want to form part of this army. To those who do, we should give them the biggest arsenal possible, so that they do not fall in the heat of battle, but come back safely home, ready for more battle. Heroes is a radical Bible for leaders and all who want to become leaders. With the best notes and articles from youth pastor Dante Gebel, this one is not to be missed.
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