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Ronald L. Goldfarb : Migrant Farm Workers: A Caste of Despair

Author: Ronald L. Goldfarb
Title: Migrant Farm Workers: A Caste of Despair
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 237
Date: 1981-11-30
ISBN: 0813817900
Publisher: Iowa State Pr
Weight: 1.1 pounds
Size: 5.6 x 8.3 x 1.0 inches
Edition: 1st
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Previous givers: 1 KatAdams (USA: IA)
Previous moochers: 1 Peggy (USA: FL)
Description: Product Description
From dust jacket notes: "As the harvest ripens hundreds of thousands of farm laborers pack their families and their belongings into anything that can be driven - even condemned school buses - and fan northward into the nation's fields and orchards to harvest the crops that grace the dining tables of the richest country on earth. Their story begins with a panoramic overview of their world and the three great 'streams' of humanity that move with the maturing crops north up the East and West Coasts and through the country's grain and fruit farms. Goldfarb's very great personal involvement began in 1975 when he was appointed by a federal court to monitor how well the U.S. Department of Labor was providing governmental services to migrant farm workers...and he was appalled at what he learned. He discusses the exclusion of the migrant worker from the minimum age and wage laws, unemployment compensation, workmen's compensation, and labor laws. He shows how the reform measures - well-intentioned when passed - have failed to help. He traces the evolution of the farm workers' labor movement, and brings it up to date with an inside view of Cesar Chavez's work with the United Farm Workers...."
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