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Erving Goffman : Forms of Talk (University of Pennsylvania Publications in Conduct & Communication)

Author: Erving Goffman
Title: Forms of Talk (University of Pennsylvania Publications in Conduct & Communication)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 344
Date: 1981-03-01
ISBN: 081221112X
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
Weight: 1.1 pounds
Size: 6.14 x 0.84 x 9.09 inches
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1Jeremy (USA: CA).
Description: Product Description

Forms of Talk extends Erving Goffman's interactional analyses of face-to-face communication to ordinary conversations and vebal exchanges. In this, his most sociolinguistic work, Goffman relates to certain forms of talk some of the issues that concerned him in his work on frame analysis. This book brings together five of Goffman's essays: "Replies and Responses," "Response Cries," "Footing," "The Lecture," and "Radio Talk."

Of lasting value in Goffman's work is his insistence that behavior—verbal or nonverbal—be examined along with the context of that behavior. In all of these classic essays, there is a "topic" at hand for discussion and analysis. In addition, as those familiar with Goffman's work have come to expect, there is the wider context in which the topic can be viewed and related to other topics—a characteristic move of Goffman's that has made his work so necessary for students of interaction in many disciplines.

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