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Frederick C. Hatfield : Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach

Author: Frederick C. Hatfield
Title: Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 304
Date: 1984-04-01
ISBN: 0809254581
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Weight: 1.42 pounds
Size: 7.98 x 9.96 x 0.88 inches
Edition: 1
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Previous givers: 1 Alan Grant (USA)
Previous moochers: 1 Hercules Invictus (USA: NJ)
Description: Product Description
This is the first book to gather scientific findings about progressive resistance training and to translate them into relevant and understandable training advice. Author of Powerlifting: A Scientific Approach and an editor for Muscle & Fitness magazine, Dr. Frederick C. Hatfield has written an invaluable book that analyzes training systems and techniques, progressive resistance exercises, nutrition and diet regimens, bodybuilding psychology, and muscle-growth pharmacology in light of actual scientific findings. Whether exploding misconceptions concerning isolation exercises or heavy-duty training; explaining the causes of overtraining, muscle soreness, muscle growth, and muscle shaping; or providing a pictorial history of bodybuilding (along with a history of certain bodybuilding principles), Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach addresses the real concerns of the serious bodybuilder in a language that can be readily understood. Through use of recent research, charts, graphs, tables, and photos, Dr. Hatfield delivers vital, new information no bodybuilder--male or female--should be without.
  • Rare photographs of early bodybuilding contests
  • Listings of winners from all major contests
  • Advantages and disadvantages of free weights and exercise machines
  • Vitamin and mineral charts listing best sources of nutrients for bodybuilders
  • Pros and cons of steroid use
  • Efficacy ratings of ergogenic aids
  • Latest research findings on relaxation and tension control techniques
Frederick C. Hatfield, PhD, has authored over a dozen books, including Aerobic Weight Training, and scores of research reports and articles.
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