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Thomas McNamee : The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone

Author: Thomas McNamee
Title: The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 368
Date: 1998-05-15
ISBN: 0805057927
Publisher: Holt Paperbacks
Weight: 1.1 pounds
Size: 6.14 x 9.2 x 1.03 inches
Edition: First Owl Book Edition
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A New York Times Notable Book

The inside account of the environmental story of the decade Early in this century, U.S. government agents trapped, poisoned, or shot every wolf they could track down in and around Yellowstone National Park. By 1926, not one wolf was left alive. After generations of struggle between the wolf's friends and foes, the wolf was returned to Yellowstone in January of 1995. Thomas McNamee chronicles the drama of the reintroduction, the political machinations behind it, and the harrowing details of the wolves' own lives. In his telling, it is easy to see why this saga has stirred the imagination of a nation. Review
"It has been sixty years, thirty wolf generations, since the last wolf pups were poisoned in the Yellowstone," writes McNamee. With the passage of time, the world is a safer place for the beleaguered wolf, so that, when the Interior Department conducted hearings on whether the wolf should be reintroduced to Yellowstone, some 160,000 letters came pouring in to Washington from across the country--the largest official citizen response to any federal action in history. Even so, the reintroduction effort was not without its divisive politics, and environmentalists squared off against so-called Wise Use movement activists in court and on the streets. Those political debates heated up even further when fewer than a dozen wolf individuals were finally released in Yellowstone National Park two years ago. McNamee tells this story knowingly--and very well.

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