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Rosemary Radford Ruether : The Wrath of Jonah: The Crisis of Religious Nationalism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Author: Rosemary Radford Ruether
Title: The Wrath of Jonah: The Crisis of Religious Nationalism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 324
Date: 2002-03-01
ISBN: 0800634799
Publisher: Fortress Press
Weight: 0.95 pounds
Size: 5.94 x 0.79 x 8.9 inches
Edition: 2
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1emily (USA: NY).
Description: Product Description
The wrenching situation in the Middle East, recent events have shown, is as complex as it is volatile. In this immensely learned and clarifying volume-here updated and issued in paper for the first time-the Ruethers trace the tortured and contested history of Israel/Palestine from biblical times through the Diaspora, the development of Zionism, the creation of the modern state of Israel, and the subsequent conflict with Arab and Palestinian nationalism. Magisterial in its grasp of the historical, political, economic, and religious roots of the conflict, The Wrath of Jonah also offers convincing analysis of the moral and political dilemmas facing Israelis and Palestinians today. Though they see possibilities for peace, the Ruethers are forthright about what they and others see as Israel's betrayal of its own original mandate. Their purpose, state the Ruethers, "continues to be to make a modest contribution to truthful historical accountability that must underlie the quest for justice, without which there can be no 'peace.'"
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