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Paul Slansky : The George W. Bush Quiz Book

Author: Paul Slansky
Title: The George W. Bush Quiz Book
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 224
Date: 2004-05-04
ISBN: 0767917847
Publisher: Broadway Books
Weight: 0.38 pounds
Size: 5.24 x 0.51 x 7.95 inches
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Previous givers: 1 renee0467 (USA: PA)
Previous moochers: 1 Ralph (USA: KY)
Description: Product Description
A Hilarious “Quizography” on the Dumbfounding Life of George W. Bush

Pop Quiz

George W. Bush is:

(A) the greatest American statesman since Abraham Lincoln.

(B) a champion of the underdog and a thorn in the side of the wealthy.

(C) articulate, thoughtful, and judicious—a very, very wise man.

(D) linguistically challenged (“I know how hard it is to put food on your family”), proudly ignorant (he actually boasts about not reading newspapers), and inexplicably addicted to nicknaming (aide Karl Rove is “Turd Blossom”)—in short, the least qualified, most polarizing figure ever to be appointed President of the United States, and the only White House occupant to have once been videotaped picking his nose.

If you answered D, this book is for you.  In The George W. Bush Quiz Book, New Yorker humorist and bestselling author of The Clothes Have No Emperor, Paul Slansky, brings you a comical compendium of quizzes filled with hundreds of questions and answers on the personal and political life of George W. The result is a crash course in everything Dubya.

Thoroughly researched and devastatingly funny, now there’s finally a quiz George W. Bush should be able to ace (pass).
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