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Harlan Coben : One False Move

Author: Harlan Coben
Title: One False Move
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 352
Date: 2007-05-16
ISBN: 0752849174
Publisher: Orion
Weight: 0.44 pounds
Size: 0.67 x 4.37 x 7.01 inches
Edition: New edition
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One False Move

Amazon Review
What keeps a reader turning the pages of a thriller? Strong characters, certainly-- Chandler gripped our attention through the most impenetrable plots with his powerfully-drawn characters. But narrative ingenuity is the ace card for most of the top writers in the genre, and it's here that Coben really excels. Of course, having a novel and unusual protagonist is a highly desirable asset, and in Myron Bolithar, his fast-thinking and vulnerable sports agent, Coben has the perfect centre for his labyrinthine plot. Living down his dubious past, Myron finds himself conned into babysitting Brenda Slaughter, the hottest female sports star around. But when her father disappears, and the mob starts leaning on her, Myron finds himself undertaking duties far more dangerous than the average sports agent ever faces. And with his old friend, the urbane and deadly Windsor Lockwood, Myron is up against very powerful men who'll go to any lengths to protect their secrets. Coben's dialogue is studded with caustic wit, and the chinks in his hero's armour (particularly on the romantic front) make his helter-skelter tale a real delight. Even those readers without a trace of an interest in sport will be firmly on board from page one, with the feisty Brenda making the perfect foil for the beleaguered Myron. Coben's American success shows every sign of being replicated in the UK. --Barry Forshaw

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