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Shari Low : What If?

Author: Shari Low
Title: What If?
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 344
Date: 2001-01-25
ISBN: 0749932295
Publisher: Piatkus Books
Weight: 0.49 pounds
Size: 4.37 x 0.0 x 7.01 inches
Previous givers: 3 kislany (Cyprus), Jacqueline (United Kingdom), Liam Proven (Czech Republic)
Previous moochers: 3 lalien (USA: PA), Shannon (USA: NJ), Chanpreet (USA: GA)
3DubaiReader (United Arab Emirates), nikki (Australia), Penelope (United Kingdom).
Description: Product Description
Carly Cooper earns a good salary, (albeit in a job she detests), thrives on girls' nights out (when the girls can be extricated from their husbands) and has been engaged five times (no comment). But at thirty-one, and still single, she can't help wondering if she'll ever meet 'The One'...Worse still, what if she already has, but was just too blind to see it? Carly decides to take control of her life and go on a mission: to hunt out her ex-fiances and re-evaluate their husband potential. It will mean quitting her job and flying to all four corners of the globe to find them. And she may come home with nothing but a suntan and a few good stories to tell her friends...But whether she gets her man or not, at least there'll be no more 'What ifs?'
Reviews: Jacqueline (United Kingdom) (2008/02/02):
This book is an easy read, probably best if you're on the beach or maybe if you're travelling to work. Bookworm J

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