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John Edward : One Last Time: A Psychic Medium Speaks to Those We Have Loved and Lost

Author: John Edward
Title: One Last Time: A Psychic Medium Speaks to Those We Have Loved and Lost
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 240
Date: 1999-03-11
ISBN: 0749919795
Publisher: Piatkus
Weight: 0.57 pounds
Size: 0.59 x 5.24 x 8.43 inches
Amazon prices:
Previous givers: 3 raych101 (Ireland), nickysuzuki (Japan), Michelle (Australia)
Previous moochers: 3 Lyonsy (Ireland), BarbaraS (Canada), Mollsmum (United Kingdom)
1Prison Book Program (USA: MA).
Description: Amazon Review
One Last Time is an account of the work of a 30-year-old psychic medium, written with a refreshingly upfront attitude usually rare in such books.

John Edward began having psychic experiences when a young child and by the time he was a teenager, people were asking him for readings. Before long he realised that he wasn't just getting psychic impressions from his clients, but was actually receiving messages from the dead. The title of the book comes from a conversation with his mother shortly before she died, when he said that people should be given "one last time to talk to the people in their lives"; it is this, he believes, that he is doing.

Edward is honest about his own doubts and his problems: "I never forget that I can always be wrong. What I do is full of ambiguity and inconsistency, and sometimes second guesses." Although he hears the spirits speaking to him, there are often problems in the communication: "If there was one thing I would ask the spirits, it would be to slow down and speak more clearly."

One Last Time is a warm and engaging read, totally lacking the often sickly pious preaching found in many other books about communicating with "the Other Side". John Edward is down-to-earth and straightforward and doesn't pretend to have all the answers. This, more than anything, makes the book both enjoyable and believable. --David V Barrett

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