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Andrea Battaglia : Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care: A Manual for the Veterinary Technician

Author: Andrea Battaglia
Title: Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care: A Manual for the Veterinary Technician
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 360
Date: 2001-01-15
ISBN: 0721677738
Publisher: Saunders
Weight: 1.57 pounds
Size: 7.54 x 9.23 x 0.75 inches
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Previous givers: 1 Ben (Switzerland)
Previous moochers: 1 Amy (USA: NY)
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Description: Product Description
SMALL ANIMAL EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE is the first book in the field written expressly for veterinary technicians. Efficiently organized for fast consultations, it provides quick access to dozens of common, life-saving protocols and procedures. Section I includes chapters on assessment, equipment, and a multitude of therapies and techniques such as fluid therapy, oxygen therapy, transfusions, and more. Every procedure is thoroughly illustrated and described, step-by-step. Details include important coverage of common drugs used to stabilize and maintain patients, with the mode of action and dosages. Section II addresses specific systemic problems, such as hematologic, cardiovascular, and GI emergencies, shock and trauma. The emphasis throughout is on total team management of the critical animal patient. The book concludes with a sensitive chapter on the importance of scheduling to those who care for acutely compromised patients.
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