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Michael Marsh : The Irish Voter: The Nature of Electoral Competition in the Republic of Ireland

Author: Michael Marsh
Title: The Irish Voter: The Nature of Electoral Competition in the Republic of Ireland
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 272
Date: 2008-10-15
ISBN: 0719077311
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Weight: 1.4 pounds
Size: 6.02 x 1.18 x 9.06 inches
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Description: Product Description
The Irish Voter provides the first comprehensive, academic survey of the motives, outlook, and behavior of voters in the Republic of Ireland. It explores long-term influences on voter choice, the economy, party leaders, and the candidates themselves. It also examines how vote and why many do not vote at all. Findings are assessed both within an Irish and a more comparative context. Ireland uses an electoral system that gives voters an unusual degree of freedom to pick the candidates they prefer: the single transferable vote. Attachment to parties is very low, differences between them are often obscure, candidate profiles are very high, and turnout is falling rapidly. However, Irish elections buck international trends as campaigns rely very heavily on personal contact between parties and the voters.
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