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T. R. Malthus : Principles of Political Economy (Reprints of Economic Classics)

Author: T. R. Malthus
Title: Principles of Political Economy (Reprints of Economic Classics)
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 514
Date: 1936-06
ISBN: 0678000387
Publisher: Augustus M Kelley Pubs
Weight: 1.55 pounds
Size: 5.7 x 8.6 x 1.6 inches
Edition: 2
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Previous givers: 2 rochanah (USA: CA), rochanah (USA: CA)
Previous moochers: 2 kwp (USA: CA), Jordan Shenk (USA: PA)
Description: Product Description
The culmination of a long series of theoretical contributions, Malthus' Principles presents unique views on general market gluts, on supply and demand as codeterminants as well as an attempt to use the whole economic process in his analysis. The second edition here reprinted with a new introduction by Morton Paglin was published posthumously and includes additions from Malthus' manuscripts; the anonymous editor is generally believed to have been John Cazenove. For his contributions to the development of Smith-Marshall output analysis, Malthus should stand as not only "the author of a valid alternative to Ricardo's theory but as the sponsor ... of the victorious one" (J.A. Schumpeter History of Economic Analysis). Keynes has expressed the opinion that had 19th-century economics proceeded from Malthusian instead of Ricardian theory, "'what a much wiser and richer place the world would be ...' The basic truth of Lord Keynes' conclusion appears sound.