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David G. Campbell : The Crystal Desert: Summers in Antarctica

Author: David G. Campbell
Title: The Crystal Desert: Summers in Antarctica
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 336
Date: 2002-05-07
ISBN: 0618219218
Publisher: Mariner Books
Weight: 1.0 pounds
Size: 0.5 x 5.5 x 8.25 inches
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Previous givers: 2 shari (USA: NY), Megan (USA: CA)
Previous moochers: 2 Vickytoria (USA: AK), Renee (USA: IL)
2M (USA: OH), infiniteletters (USA: KY).
Description: Product Description
THE CRYSTAL DESERT: SUMMERS IN ANTARCTICA is the story of life's tenacity on the coldest of Earth's continents. It tells of the explorers who discovered Antarctica, of the whalers and sealers who despoiled it, and of the scientists who are deciphering its mysteries. In beautiful, lucid prose, David G. Campbell chronicles the desperately short summers on the Antarctic Peninsula. He presents a fascinating portrait of the evolution of life in Antarctica and also of the evolution of the continent itself. Review
In The Crystal Desert David Campbell weaves together travelogue gathered from his many visits to the wind-blasted continent of Antarctica, along with natural history, oceanography, and accounts of the tortured attempts of earlier exploratory missions "in an alien environment, beyond the edge of the habitable earth." He's a gifted writer with an especially fine hand at making his readers feel right at home in a place very few of us will ever get to see. Armchair travelers couldn't ask for a better book, no matter what the season.

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