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Steven Erikson : House of Chains (Mazalan Book of the Fallen, Book 4)

Author: Steven Erikson
Title: House of Chains (Mazalan Book of the Fallen, Book 4)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 509
Date: 2002-12-15
ISBN: 0593046269
Publisher: Bantam Press
Weight: 2.3 pounds
Size: 6.0 x 9.2 x 2.0 inches
Edition: illustrated edition
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Description: From Amazon
Images of chains run through the fourth instalment of Steven Erikson's Tales of the Malazan Book of the Fallen. Chains bind Karsa Orlong, warrior from an ancient race, in slavery, then link him with the souls of those he has slain. There are also chains of loyalty and vengeance. Then there are chains from the past: the story of the Chain of Dogs from Deadhouse Gates for one, as well as the image of the Crippled God, whose subjugation triggered the events that have taken over all the characters' lives.

House of Chains follows several characters first encountered in Deadhouse Gates, the second book in the series, and the action runs at first parallel to and later after the events in the third book, Memories of Ice. Felisin, the girl who became Sha'ik, the avatar of the Whirlwind Goddess, is here with her sister Tavore, the Adjunct of the Empire. The narrative follows these two and the many characters caught in their wake as the Malazan army marches toward Raraku Desert and a tragic confrontation with the rebellion.

Steven Erikson is creating something special here: realistic, human characters living in a world so complex and rich in history that it rivals any other created in the literature of the fantastic. It's becoming clear that the rules and standards for what has previously been known as sword and sorcery (the term seems inadequate) are being rewritten with the appearance of each new volume in this magnificent fantasy series. --Greg L. Johnson

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