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A.R.R.R. Roberts : Star Warped: Once Upon A Time In A Galaxy Nowhere Near Far Enough Away (Gollancz SF)

Author: A.R.R.R. Roberts
Title: Star Warped: Once Upon A Time In A Galaxy Nowhere Near Far Enough Away (Gollancz SF)
Copies worldwide:
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 352
Date: 2005-05-01
ISBN: 0575076887
Publisher: Gollancz
Latest: 2011/07/01
Weight: 0.79 pounds
Size: 4.49 x 1.46 x 6.02 inches
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Previous givers: 2 Vikki Lee (United Kingdom), socraty (Singapore)
Previous moochers: 2 Justin (Canada), Robin (USA: VA)
2Nick (USA: NJ), B. Taylor (USA: NJ).
Description: Product Description
The Soddit, The McAtrix Derided, and the aptly titled The Sellamillion:
The parodies are hilarious, but the numbers are serious, with millions of copies sold. And now, in our very own time and galaxy, Star Wars finally gets its comeuppance-just in time to coincide with the release of the 6th and final film. The force is with us!

This is a satire well and truly earned: with the last chapters in the Star Wars' saga reaching new lows, the movies that have dominated popular culture for more than three decades deserve a little tweaking. Oh, sure, a long time ago, in what seems like a galaxy far, far away, there was a very good and thoroughly entertaining SF film. But that's long gone. So here it comes, a six-part mock-epic that begins in the middle of the action, pits good against evil, and features hairy co-pilots, green gurus, bizarre hairdos, steel bras, and campy robots.

In addition to his bestselling parodies, Adam Roberts has written a SF novel, Salt, which was nominated for the Arthur C. Clarke Award, as well as a number of academic works.
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