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Dean Koontz : The Good Guy

Author: Dean Koontz
Title: The Good Guy
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Published in: English
ISBN: 0553589113
Latest: 2023/07/08
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3Wendy (USA: AL), BelindaCullen (USA: NH), Shalini (India).
Reviews: Shauna (USA: OR) (2008/06/07):
I read this one was just out of curiousity for what makes the best seller list. It read like a movie. It was exciting, and interesting. But...

It was an R rated kind of movie. Describing murders and horrible stuff from the perspective of the killer just turned me off.

I did appreciate that there was good vs. evil and the good guy was just as good as the bad guy was bad.

I'm glad it is over.

Kenjii H. (USA: CA) (2008/09/03):
I liked this Dean Koontz book. It invovled a hitman. A case of mistaken indenitity. A man that cared enough about someone to help them when he could have walked away. It made you wonder what would you do? At he same time it was just ridiculous enough to remain fiction and an interesting story to read.

Jeremy (USA: OR) (2009/06/08):
I read this book shortly after I read Intensity, also by Dean Koontz, published about 10 years earlier. Despite the fact that The Good Guy was quite similar in many ways to Intensity, I still found it exciting and riveting from start to finish. Koontz is a master of suspense, able to pack hundreds of pages of action into a timeframe of no more than 24 or 48 hours.

This book, like many Koontz novels, is almost told in real time, from dual perspectives, that of the killer and that of the pursued. And, also like many Koontz novels, this one features an unwitting victim thrust into a situation for which they are unprepared. The reader quickly relates to the plight of the everyday man or woman put to the test by a homicidal lunatic. The book also features a romance of sorts, and the sparse, witty dialog that is another common Koontz trademark.

Mona (USA: GA) (2011/04/28):
This book is too good for words! I started reading Koontz several years ago and this is absolutely the very best. (a couple of his books just did not interest me enough to finish.) This one grabbed me within the first few paragraphs and I could not put it down. Loved it!