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Suzanne Arms : Immaculate deception: A new look at women and childbirth in America

Author: Suzanne Arms
Title: Immaculate deception: A new look at women and childbirth in America
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 398
Date: 1977
ISBN: 0553022571
Publisher: Bantam Books
Weight: 0.55 pounds
Size: 4.1 x 7.0 x 1.0 inches
Edition: 0
Previous givers: 2 John Clark (USA: ME), Gurney Arthur Bartram (USA: WI)
Previous moochers: 2 Laura (USA: PA), Sarah Fahy (USA: NY)
3Sarah (USA: NY), Chris (USA: CO), JessicaJC (USA: CT).
Description: Product Description
What is the deception? That birth is dangerous, risky, painful and terrifying. That birth in the American hospital is safe, quick and easy. That medical interference can "improve' the birth process with technology and drugs. That obstetricians know more about birth that women. That midwives are harmful to the birth process. That home birth is dangerous. That "natural birth" actually exists in the American hospital. That women in America have a choice in the method and place of birth. That modern woman can not give birth as naturally or matter-of-factly as her primitive sister, that she cannot endure pain, cannot overcome fear, cannot participate in the one process that has always been inherently and exclusively her own- the birth of her child.