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Kate Atkinson : When Will There be Good News?

Author: Kate Atkinson
Title: When Will There be Good News?
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 480
Date: 2009-01-02
ISBN: 0552772453
Publisher: Black Swan
Weight: 0.71 pounds
Size: 1.18 x 5.0 x 7.8 inches
Edition: New Jacket
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In a quiet corner of rural Devon, a six-year-old girl witnesses an appalling crime. Thirty years later the man convicted of the crime is released from prison. In Edinburgh, sixteen-year-old Reggie, wise beyond her years, works as a nanny for a G.P., But her employer has disappeared with her baby, and Reggie seems to be the only person who is worried. Across town, Detective Chief Inspector Louise Monroe is also looking for a missing person, unaware that hurtling towards her is a former acquaintance - Jackson Brodie - himself on a journey that becomes fatally interrupted.
Reviews: Marianne (Australia) (2013/09/03):
When Will There Be Good News? is the third book in the Jackson Brodie series by popular British author, Kate Atkinson. Some two years after the events of One Good Turn, Jackson Brodie is intent on discovering the paternity of Julia Land’s son, Nathan, in a small town in the Yorkshire Dales. At the same time, in Edinburgh, Detective Chief Inspector Louise Monroe tries to protect a small family from their threatening father, but is distracted by young Reggie Chase, who is convinced that the disappearance of her employer and son is not as innocent as it is claimed to be. A moment of inattention finds Jackson travelling to Edinburgh and much more deeply involved than he ever intended. This instalment has a plot with quite a few twists and some surprises that will leave the reader gasping or laughing out loud. Once again, Atkinson carefully builds up her characters until the reader is invested in them and really cares about their fate. As well as multiple murders, there are stolen IDs, comprehensively vandalised flats, faithful dogs, a severed artery, kidnapping, amnesia (real and feigned) and a train derailment as the action moves from Devon to Edinburgh to Yorkshire and back. There are some marvellous poetic quotes, nursery rhymes and wordplay, and the inner monologues of the main characters are priceless: “She was wearing an aggressive three-piece outfit that was probably very expensive but had the kind of pattern you would get if you cut up the flags of several obscure countries and then gave them to a blind pigeon to stick back together again.” and “…she was still using her car, a blue Saxo that she drove in the way an excitable and short-sighted chimpanzee might have done, accelerating when she should be braking, braking when she should be accelerating, going slow in the fast lane, fast in the slow lane, more like someone on an amusement arcade simulator than a real road.” Brilliant, as always.

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