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Morry Markovitz : How to Beat the Street with Plan Z: The New Strategy for Safe and Lucrative Investing in the Money Markets

Author: Morry Markovitz
Title: How to Beat the Street with Plan Z: The New Strategy for Safe and Lucrative Investing in the Money Markets
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 272
Date: 1993-03-29
ISBN: 0471582867
Publisher: Wiley
Latest: 2010/02/12
Weight: 1.23 pounds
Size: 6.18 x 0.94 x 9.17 inches
Edition: 1
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Description: Product Description
One of the most stimulating—and effective—new techniques on winning big for the safety-conscious investor! The "thinking man’s trader"—Barron’s Now you can reap the rewards of a brand new investment strategy without the uncertainties often associated with Wall Street investments. Plan Z presents several investment strategies that you can customize to best suit your personal investment requirements, current portfolio, and future goals. The techniques you’ll find in Plan Z address the two most basic needs of any investor: safety and strong returns on your investment. In clear, simple, and lively language, that even the most novice investor can follow, it reveals:
  • How to take advantage of interest rate volatility
  • The first clear explanation of zero coupon bonds and how to capitalize on their unique and enormous potential
  • Why some currently popular investment products fail entirely to work with zeros despite endorsement by noted authorities
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