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Jr. John E. Exner : The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, Vol 1: Basic Foundations

Author: Jr. John E. Exner
Title: The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, Vol 1: Basic Foundations
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 642
Date: 1993-04
ISBN: 0471559024
Publisher: Wiley
Latest: 2024/07/04
Weight: 3.1 pounds
Size: 7.1 x 10.0 x 2.1 inches
Edition: Volume One
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Description: Product Description
The Rorschach A Comprehensive System Volume 2: Interpretation Second Edition John E. Exner, Jr. The second volume in John E. Exner’s groundbreaking work, this book is devoted to advanced scoring and interpretation, including structural assessment, content assessment, and diagnosis and prediction, as well as special issues relating to specifics of interpretation for various pathological conditions. This revised and expanded Second Edition includes findings from more than 300 studies involving more than 12,000 subjects—including young and old, patients and nonpatients—conducted since 1982. Also new to this edition are a chapter on simulation and malingering and one on issues in researching the test. 1991 (0 471-85080-2) 476 pp. The Rorschach A Comprehensive System Volume 3: Assessment of Children and Adolescents John E. Exner, Jr. and Irving B. Weiner The third volume in this highly successful series offers practitioners a single source to the essential interpretive skills for establishing accurate psychological descriptions of younger clients using the Rorschach Test. Data collected from more than 1,800 non-patient children—ages 5 through 16—provides a solid normative base for interpretation. Nineteen case studies demonstrate the use of the test for personality description, differential diagnosis, and treatment planning in cases involving schizophrenia, depression, and learning and behavior problems. 1982 (0 471-09364-5) 449 pp. Handbook of Psychological Assessment Second Edition Gary Groth-Marnat Offers step-by-step guidance to the selection, administration, evaluation, and interpretation of the WlSC-R and WAIS-R; Bender Visual Motor Gestalt; MMPI/MMPI-2; TAT; Rorschach; CPI; and projective drawings. It also offers a rational approach to integrating test results, interview data, and behavioral measurements into a psychological report. New to this edition are chapters on the context of clinical assessment; interview techniques; behavioral assessment; a review of the MMPI-2 (revised); a new scoring system for the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test; a section on clinical judgment; and more. 1990 (0 471-51034-3) 594 pp.
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