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Deborah Hughes-Hallett : Calculus, Single and Multivariable, Student Solutions Manual

Author: Deborah Hughes-Hallett
Title: Calculus, Single and Multivariable, Student Solutions Manual
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 352
Date: 2001-08-09
ISBN: 0471441929
Publisher: Wiley
Weight: 1.55 pounds
Size: 8.5 x 10.5 x 0.8 inches
Edition: 3
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Description: Product Description
The Third Edition of CALCULUS reflects the strong consensus within the mathematics community for a new balance between the contemporary ideas of the original editions of this book and ideas and topics from earlier calculus books. Building on previous work, this Third Edition has the same philosophy as earlier editions but represents a new balance of topics. CALCULUS 3/e brings together the best of both new and traditional curricula in an effort to meet the needs of even more instructors teaching calculus. The author team's extensive experience teaching from both traditional and innovative books and their expertise in developing innovative problems put them in an unique position to make this new curriculum meaningful to students going into mathematics and those going into the sciences and engineering. The authors believe the new edition will work well for those departments who are looking for a calculus book that offers a middle ground for their calculus instructors.
CALCULUS 3/e exhibits the same strengths from earlier editions including the Rule of Four, an emphasis on modeling, exposition that students can read and understand and a flexible approach to technology. The conceptual and modeling problems, praised for their creativity and variety, continue to motivate and challenge students.
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