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National Business Employment Weekly : Interviewing (National Business Employment Weekly Career Guides)

Author: National Business Employment Weekly
Title: Interviewing (National Business Employment Weekly Career Guides)
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 240
Date: 1999-04-26
ISBN: 0471322571
Publisher: Wiley
Weight: 1.1 pounds
Size: 7.44 x 0.91 x 9.06 inches
Edition: 3
Amazon prices:
Previous givers: 1 Rebecca (USA: TN)
Previous moochers: 1 Bruce (USA: CA)
1Sheena Smith (USA: NY).
Description: Product Description
The tips and techniques you need to take charge of any interview! Knowing what to say in an interview--and how to say it--is critical. This revised and expanded guide to the art and science of interviewing will lead you step-by-step through every phase of an interview, from preparation to follow-up. This unique guide teaches you how to anticipate, plan, and present great responses to all questions, from the routine to the unexpected. You'll learn what employers are looking for and the steps you must take to interview successfully and get the job you want. This edition also reflects the recent changes in interview techniques, including a new chapter on behavior-based interviews. In addition to traditional interview strategies, you'll learn the skills you need to handle even the toughest interview situations confidently and securely. This essential reference covers it all, including:
* The ins and outs of putting together a winning self-marketing campaign
* The questions to expect-- and the important ones to ask
* Overcoming psychological roadblocks
* Turning humdrum answers into outstanding responses that showcase your strengths, character, and personality
* Navigating the rocky road of salary negotiations
* Important information on closing the interview
* Actual interviews with executive recruiters and headhunters
* Helpful tips for interviewing with foreign companies
Other National Business Employment Weekly Premier guides currently available: National Business Employment Weekly Resumes National Business Employment Weekly Cover Letters
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