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Helen Chen : Helen's Asian Kitchen: Easy Chinese Stir-Fries

Author: Helen Chen
Title: Helen's Asian Kitchen: Easy Chinese Stir-Fries
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Date: 2009-03-27
ISBN: 0470387564
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Weight: 1.15 pounds
Size: 7.19 x 0.59 x 7.97 inches
Edition: 1
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Description: Product Description

"When I was growing up, my mother did all of the cooking at home and the variety was endless. But it was her everyday Chinese home cooking that I remember best—the often-revisited stir-fry dishes that are simple, easy, delicious, and part of the culinary repertoire of most Chinese families. I hope you will enjoy this collection of some of my favorites. Perhaps some will become part of your everyday cooking, too. So come with me to my kitchen and let me share with you what the Chinese do in theirs." —Helen Chen

Enjoy Easy Chinese Stir-Fries Like These:

  • Chicken with Mushrooms and Snow Peas
  • Braised Party Wings
  • Spicy Chunking Pork
  • Sparerib Nuggets in Black Bean Sauce
  • Stir-Fried Broccoli Beef in Oyster Sauce
  • Spicy Beef Shreds with Carrots and Celery
  • Coral and Jade
  • Flower Squid with Mixed Vegetables
  • Bean Curd with Black Mushrooms and Bamboo Shoots
  • Ginger-glazed Carrots and Parsnips
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