Ed Hahn (USA: MT) (2009/03/20): Not the best Stuart Woods has written. I actually give it two and a half stars. Less than that and I wouldn't have finished the book. It started off great and then faded fast as I became as bored with the story as Holly Barker was with her assignment. Holly Barker is, quite frankly, an unrealistic, unbelievable character. She's too perfect. She also always outshines everyone around her including her superiors who love her for it. Yeah, right! Just like in real life. This may be fiction but is it possible that the CIA and FBI are now valuing people who don't toe the company line? (See "Charlie Wilson's War") The ending was a slight surprise and I suspect whoever reads the upcoming Holly Barker books will find Ted Fay there. Not me, I might add. I'm through with Ms. Barker.
June (France) (2010/02/12): Well I guess I'm easier to please, I enjoyed it. It may have had one or two slower places but it kept going.
Andrea (USA: CA) (2018/09/05): Well... I enjoyed the book because I simply love Holly Barker. What a character! And love her family including the dog. If you are a Holly Barker follower you will enjoy the book.