Cindy (USA: NV) (2009/07/10): Good read. This is set in the same fantasy universe as 'Steal the Dragon' but has no real overlap unless you count one letter from the Voice of Aldis. In fact, Aldis [and the Voice] are given a somewhat different spin here which is a bit jarring if you read the other first. As much as I enjoyed Steal the Dragon, this is a better book. The hero is noble and determined to do the best by both his people [the conquerors] and her people [the conquered]. The heroine is smart, determined and talented. His people don't believe in magic - she's a mage and the killer she is hunting is a demon... Great interplay between the characters - her "mistress" persona is hysterically. As one of the characters observes "She wields her stupidity with precision...". Fast-paced action and well thought magical theories - I really enjoyed it.