Joe Davoust (USA: CA) (2006/10/28): Ilium was good read that probably was longer than it needed to be. That said, I was entertained from start to finish as some slightly familiar and totally odd characters and places were woven together in a story that makes you always look forward to the next chapter.I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys speculative fiction with just a dash of historical reference. I would have liked to been more familiar with Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and Homer's Iliad, since both are referred to often. I read the Iliad in high school (about a kajillion years ago) but have forgotten most of what I read. I recently watched the recent movie Troy and that helped some. And I just did a quick review of the characters of The Tempest in Wikipedia. The movie and the internet just touched on the major works, but that seemed to be enough background to enjoy Ilium.