Reviews: |
Greyhound Lover (USA: FL) (2007/04/12): This is a trilogy. I read the first one but couldn't get through any more. She overwrites too much for my taste. It was just irritating, but have read people who love her writing. So, I'll pass it on...
Debra (USA: OR) (2020/12/12): Description: Publisher: Silhouette, Book Type: Paperback, Publication Date: 12/1/2001 Pages: 704Wings in the Night: For centuries, loneliness has haunted them from dusk till dawn. Yet now, from out of the darkness, shines the light of eternal life... eternal love. — Twilight Phantasies (Wings in the Night, Bk 1) — Cruel fate condemned Eric Marquand to walk forever in shadow -- alone. To possess his soulmate was to destroy her. But Tamara believed in taking fate into her own hands . . . -Twilight Memories (Wings in the Night, Bk 2) - Rhiannon was a dangerous creature of the night. If Roland cast her away, it would be like driving a stake through her heart -- exactly what the mortal on her trail wanted! -Twilight Illusions (Wings in the Night, Bk 3)- He was the greatest of his accursed kind. But Damien's ancient mystic power was threatened by a terrible weakness -- a passion for a woman of mortal flesh and blood . . .