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Frederick Woods : The Oxford Book of English Traditional Verse (Oxford Books)

Author: Frederick Woods
Title: The Oxford Book of English Traditional Verse (Oxford Books)
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 422
Date: 1983-09-22
ISBN: 0192141325
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Weight: 1.37 pounds
Size: 5.59 x 8.5 x 1.73 inches
Edition: 1st
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Description: Product Description
This is an anthology of the very best of lyrics of the English folk-song tradition. It reflects the preoccupations of the ordinary people who first expressed their thoughts in song, and whose words have come down to us through generations of singers whose own variations and adaptations have maintained the vigor of the tradition. The countryside is the setting for the early lyrics and ballads of popular history and legend in this collection, and for verses in on the joys and hardships of love, and songs that celebrate the seasons and the Christian year. 'Soldiers and Sailors' and 'Crime and Punishment' were perennially popular themes for the versifiers, and Victorian broadsides chronicled infamous murders with gusto. The final section, which the editor has called 'Traditions in the Making', contains lyrics by contemporary writers of the post-war Folk Revival. It is a fitting conclusion to the portrayal of an inheritance that can truly be described as a living tradition.
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