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Terry Pratchett : The Last Continent: A Novel of Discworld

Author: Terry Pratchett
Title: The Last Continent: A Novel of Discworld
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 400
Date: 2014-04-29
ISBN: 0062280198
Publisher: Harper
Weight: 0.45 pounds
Size: 0.9 x 4.19 x 7.5 inches
Edition: Reissue
Previous givers: 1 Geniv B. (USA: CA)
Previous moochers: 1 Joseph Camann (USA: NY)
3Karen (USA: VA), Turiken (United Kingdom), Annie (USA: MA).
Description: Product Description

There's big trouble at the Unseen University, Ankh-Morpork's lone institute of higher learning. A professor is missing—and the one person who can find him is not only the most inept magician the school ever produced, but currently stranded on the unfinished down-under continent of Fourecks.

As the UU faculty tries to bring him back, Rincewind is having troubles of his own, thanks to a pushy mystical kangaroo trickster named Scrappy and a mob of Fourecks hooligans who are out to hang him. All his problems would be solved if he could just make it rain . . . for the first time ever. And if the time-traveling professors can get to the right millennium . . . Review
Terry Pratchett's 22nd Discworld novel, The Last Continent, is a lighthearted tour of the fantasy land of Fourecks, a very Australian sort of place, with brief courses in theoretical physics and evolution thrown in for good measure. Pratchett returns to his first Discworld protagonist, the inept and cowardly wizard Rincewind, who habitually runs into trouble as fast as he flees. Rincewind's arrival in Fourecks has distorted the space-time continuum, and he has to sort it out before the whole place dries up and blows away. The situation is complicated because the actual problem is located 30,000 years in the past--just where the Faculty of the Unseen University currently are. Pretty frightening, given "the true wizard's instinct to amble aimlessly into dangerous places," and then "stop and argue ... about exactly what kind of danger it [is]."

If you're baffled by all this, no worries, mate. You needn't have read Pratchett before--not even the five previous Discworld novels starring Rincewind (The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Sourcery, Eric, and Interesting Times)--to enjoy this latest romp. Nor to have visited Australia. When you finish, however, you'll likely want to rush out and do both. --Nona Vero

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