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David Eddings : The Redemption of Althalus

Author: David Eddings
Title: The Redemption of Althalus
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 928
Date: 2001-07-16
ISBN: 0006514839
Publisher: Voyager
Weight: 0.97 pounds
Size: 2.28 x 4.37 x 7.01 inches
Edition: New Ed
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The Redemption of Althalus

Amazon Review
Althalus was just a thief, and only a good thief by the standards of the backwoods and hick towns where he spent most of his career; a trip to the big cities of the lowlands almost proved disastrous for him, because he could recognise neither real threats nor even more sophisticated forms of wealth. Hired to steal a magic book, he finds himself imprisoned by a talking cat and subjected to the extensive education that will make him leader of humanity's fight back against a death god and his cadre of thugs. Much of what is best in The Redemption of Althalus has to do with the process whereby he recruits his team--a spoiled princess, a witch rescued from the stake, a barbarian warrior and a street urchin with the brain of a great strategist; once the team is in place and their fight back against conquest and sinister magic begins, victory is more or less assured and a matter of watching a thoroughly entertaining process. It is interesting to see Eddings working on a smaller canvas than usual--there is a fundamental niceness to his books that entirely gets its head here, along with an attractive sense of humour.--Roz Kaveney

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