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Sara (Reino Unido) : member bio

Name: Sara (Reino Unido) (on vacation)
Userid: yellowbow

Inventory: 0
Points: 18.3
Mooched/given: 7/9
Pending mooch/give: 0/3
Mooch ratio: 0.58:1

Wishlist: 12
Feedback: +7
Friends: 2
Cancelled requests: 3
Rejected requests: 3

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2008/01/03
Last here: 2196 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United Kingdom

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Currently moving from house, all my books are packed away. So it can be difficult to find them... try to mooch it and I'll try to find it. Hope you'll understand...

Normally I mail all books to Europe. However to rest of the world it can be quite expensive so I may have to refuse a request, after checking the price with the post office.


My name is Sara, I'm from Lisbon, Portugal. I'm also registered in PostCrossing (Pleakley) and Bookcrossing (YellowBow). Beside books I'm also interested in Craft and HomeMade stuff. :)

Finding this site was an amazing thing :) for two reasons, first because I really like to read and second because I can trade books that I'm no longer interested. :)

I live in non smoking and no pet house, so my books don't have any smell or damage related to these issues, however all books on my inventory have a description saying their condition. Some could have already been traded on Bookmooch or Bookcrossing and I don't have any information about their previous owners.

Since I'm also registered at, most of them have a label which indicate their BCID.

Happy Bookmooching!!! :)