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Sasher (USA: KY) : member bio

Name: Sasher (USA: KY) (on vacation)
Userid: tfarmer

Inventory: 0
Points: -1.7
Mooched/given: 35/26
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.61:1

Wishlist: 6
Feedback: +24
Friends: 1
Cancelled requests: 2
Books receiving lost: 1
Books sending lost: 1
Rejected requests: 1

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2006/11/08
Last here: 6189 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I have had a bizarre spring; broke both my feet in late March,(laid up for 6 weeks - no access to computer, no driving), hand surgery in mid-May which led to a resistant staph infection - 3 weeks in the hospital, 2 weeks of outpatient therapy which didn't help, a second operation yesterday.
The day after I got out of the hospital my son had an emergency appendectomy,(caught it early - he's fine).
While I was in the hospital I had books to send that didn't go out, people to notify that didn't get told. Also while I was in hospital my monitor died, and my email account filled up so messages were being rejected. I'm only just getting back to everyone.

At the moment I have a huge cast and am not allowed to drive. The good news is,I can get to my computer again!

My inventory has disappeared, and I haven't figured out where it went.
Hope to get all this straightened out soon...

I vacillate between reading really serious nonfiction. Right now I'm trying to get my mind around Iraq, while re-reading my old Doonesbury collection. I must say the parallels are eerie...

Right now I have 13 boxes of books on my living room floor,there because they won't fit in any of our 11 bookcases, or in the attic, which is already full. And soon I'm moving to a new/old family house that's just as small as this one, and has just as many books ALREADY there!! Bookmooch is a godsend...

I also write, but that's another kettle of fish entirely.

I want to mention that I've had a wierd series of health problems lately and they've interfered with my Book Mooch responsibilities - normally I'm pretty responsible, but I broke both feet in March and found myself in the hospital with a resistant staph infection for three weeks in late May- early June. I've just had another hand operation and again have a big cast and can't drive. So please, bear with me - I'm down now, but I'll be back!