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Dominique (Germany) : member bio

Name: Dominique (Germany)
Userid: tallulah_rose

Inventory: 0
Points: 7.7
Mooched/given: 51/67
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.14:1

Wishlist: 23
Feedback: +67
Smooches: 8
Charity received: 1
Friends: 4
Cancelled requests: 11
Books receiving lost: 1
Books sending lost: 1
Rejected requests: 6

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2010/10/15
Last here: yesterday
Country: Germany

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Will be answering E-Mails and Mooch requests as fast as possible, but please be patient if it takes one or two days.
Feel free to ask for any book in my inventory, most often I will sent it.
If your book might weight more than 500g, consider mooching a second one, for it's getbting cheaper.

I work as a secretary in a small biotechnology company in Rostock.
My books are usually in a good condition for I love them and try to handle them in an appropriate way. I live in a non-smoking household.
I can afford to ship books everywhere as far as their weight is under 500g. If they are heavier, I will consider it. If they weigh more than 500g, I appreciate if you mooch a second book. But don't hesitate to ask me.
I am aware that my wishlist contains mostly hardcover books. I do appreciate those more and since I am in no hurry acquiring the books I will wait until some hardcver-edition of a wishlisted book pops up. Since I know this might not be considered 'nice style' I am willing to give extra points, if the book is heavy or sent from far away.

This is where I have sent books:

visited 8 states (3.55%)
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Forums joined:
bookmooch_blog, newbie_bookmoocher_thread.

Forums active on:
bookmooch_blog, newbie_bookmoocher_thread.