Name: Sara (USA: MA)
Userid: salmastryon
Inventory: 4
Points: 7.5
Mooched/given: 13/19
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.79:1
Wishlist: 73
Feedback: +19
Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2010/06/15
Last here: 3040 days ago (possibly inactive)
Country: United States
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Books in inventory: 4 | | |
Status message: I will mark if a book has any sort of smell under conditions. There are no cats, dogs or pets at my house. No smoking, mold or mildew. There are several books that had my address label or bookplate on the inside cover. I will note those in conditions. Bio: I'm a horrible book pack rat. However, I've been trying to be more proactive and reducing my library, since I don't have enough shelf space to keep everything I read. This has lead to me using the library more and having more books I need to find new homes for. I used to use used book stores, but the ones near me closed down. I tried selling them for awhile on halfdotcom, but the work to reward ratio wasn't good. I'd have to sell 7-10 books to buy one for myself. So then, I started donating them to the library and their program to donate books to third world countries. A person I met and talked to on LibraryThing told me about this site. I'm really looking forward to getting involved in this. I've always been one to lend my books to responsible people to spread the love. :) Here I know the books I cull out of my library will be read by people who want to read them and I'll be able to pick up books I'm missing or want to read, that the library doesn't have and I don't want to buy new. :D I collect sci-fi, fantasy, romance, manga and anything else that has great characters and/or a gripping story. I like mysteries as well, but I'm less likely to reread them, so I don't tend to hang on to them. Mostly I collect paperbacks due to space limitations and the fact they just fit better in my hands. :) Because my mom has sever asthma and RADS(Repertory Airway Distress Syndrome) the smell of books is important to me. There are some old favorites I have to keep quarantined from her due to me having picked them up from used bookstores before it was an issue. If this works out well, I'll probably end up switching them out. |