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michimoo (Australia) : member bio

Name: michimoo (Australia) (on vacation)
Userid: michimax

Inventory: 0
Points: 41
Mooched/given: 12/28
Pending mooch/give: 0/1
Mooch ratio: 0.35:1

Wishlist: 1
Feedback: +26
Charitable gifts: 1
Friends: 1

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2009/02/22
Last here: 5200 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Australia

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
i have a dog. he doesn't really get into my books but he is a bit furry and so his hair might get into them a little - i don't think so but i thought you never can tell.
also, i am a uni student. i don't make a lot of money so i can't send books overseas straight away as it usually takes me a while to have enough money to do so. and also, it takes me time to get to the post office and i don't go like every week, only when i have a few books to send. i usually send things by sea mail so you'll have to be patient. if i agree to send you a book, i will send it but it might take some time.