Name: Mary Ellen (Sweden) (on vacation)
Userid: mef
(I give a little)
Inventory: 0
Points: 14.6
Mooched/given: 116/90
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.22:1
Wishlist: 274
Feedback: +87
Smooches: 20
Charitable gifts: 1
Charity received: 1
Friends: 2
Cancelled requests: 6
Books receiving lost: 1
Books sending lost: 1
Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2009/02/15
Last here: 1321 days ago (possibly inactive)
Country: Sweden
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Books in inventory: 0 | | |
Status message: ***I won't be sending out any more books until at least Oct 23rd 2018***. Feel free to mooch, or to enquire, but I can't mail anything until then. I happily send books all over the world, but sometimes, for thick hardbacks, have to send only within the UK due to cost of postage, though if you mooch more than one book from me, that can help make spending more on postage cost-effective for me. (Apologies for the fact that from time to time my inventory is depleted, which makes mooching more than one book unlikely.) PLEASE do ask, though. I will send to your country almost all of the time. Home page: Bio: An American living in England & Sweden, I am a writer, a freelance editor, and -- like everybody else here -- a voracious reader. img src=",-180,80,180&chs=450x300&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:9999999&chld=US|ES|EE|PL|DE|CA|GB" width="450" height="300" > shipped books to 7 states (3.11%) Create your own visited map of The World
Forums joined: bookmooch_blog, discussion, feature_requests, writer_seeks_your_input.
Forums active on: bookmooch_blog, discussion, feature_requests. |