BookMooch logo
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Logos and graphics for BookMooch

BookMooch logo

JPG | GIF | Photoshop PSD

GIF | Photoshop PSD | AI | EPS | PDF

The logos above are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. You may copy and use these in any way you like provided the text "Logo artwork courtesy of"

BookMooch main illustration:

BookMooch main illustration on a white background:

Left character:
Middle character:
Right character:
Flying book:

(click to view a large version of each illustration)

These illustrations above are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. You may copy and use these in any way you like, provided the text "Illustration credit Andrice Arp, courtesy of" (or equivalent, such as a translation) is displayed under the photograph or in an otherwise conspicuous place in the web site or publication.